Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

7 More Windows 7 Features!

Techtip 262

7 More Windows 7 Features!

In Tech Tip 242 we covered some of the biggest new features of Windows 7, but there's still more to be enjoyed with Microsoft's best OS ever. This time, we cover seven more features of Windows 7 so you can take full advantage of the latest and greatest enhancements that are just waiting for you to discover.

1. Libraries

My favorite new feature in Windows 7 has to be Libraries. In previous versions of Windows, there were your personal folders: My Documents, My Music, etc. These folders were indexed for quick searching and seemed like a good place to put all your stuff. But, unless you kept a close eye on them, it was very easy to lose track of what was being saved where. Finding a specific photo, music file, or document often sent you clicking in and out of folder after folder. Enter Libraries: now you can see the contents of more than one folder at a time! While Libraries aren't traditional folders, they definitely come in handy for keeping your files organized. Each Library has a default save location, the Known Location, that you can set by right-clicking on a Library and selecting Properties from the dialog box. Even better, if your files aren't listed in a Library, you can tell that Library to look into a folder of your choosing, as well!

2. HomeGroup

If you've tried to set up a home network using Windows before, you may be familiar with the complexity involved. For the most part, it was pretty simple just sharing one printer or folder. File and Printer sharing has been around awhile. But for different users to access shared folders, multiple identical user accounts had to be created for each machine to ensure that everything was interoperable. Now, you will need at least two computers running Windows 7 to make use of this. You may have already seen HomeGroup during Windows 7's initial setup, but sharing documents, photos, music, videos, and printers has never been easier. Simply find the HomeGroup Control Panel by typing homegroup into Search, from the Control Panel, or in the Network and Sharing center, and start the wizard. The wizard will guide you through selecting the types of objects you would like to share and will present you with a cryptic password, suggesting you write it down. You don't have to do that. You can change the password once the homegroup is set up, just navigate to the Advanced Sharing Settings menu from the Network and Sharing Center or from the HomeGroup menu itself in the Control Panel. Now file and printer sharing is as easy as typing a password.

3. Paint

Yes, that's right, Paint is new and improved in Windows 7. It's gone from that very basic program that was so comically inferior that it spawned its own art style, to a downright decent image editing application. It's been upgraded with more features and tools like new brushes and now features the Scenic Ribbon, the new UI design that was first featured in Microsoft Office 2007. Now it's functional, easy to use, and makes a perfect tool to use for taking quick screen shots or cropping and resizing images.

4. Wordpad

Just like it's artsy-fartsy friend Paint,Wordpad has received an upgrade as well. You've probably long-since replaced past versions of Wordpad for better, more robust word processing applications, but to keep pace, Microsoft has added a few new features as well as the Scenic Ribbon UI. Now it looks like a slimmed-down version of Microsoft Word and makes a perfectly acceptable tool for offline document creation or editing. It also now supports Open Document and Open XML file formats for opening newer files and saving them in formats that work with older version of Office.

5. Calculator

Previous versions of the Windows Calculator had all the basic functions just about every user would need. There was the standard look and the Scientific view, and this was largely unchanged since the very first version of Windows. The Standard and Scientific views are still there, but now Microsoft has added Programmer and Statistics views as well as new functions in the form of Unit Conversion, Date Calculation, and Worksheets that pop out to the right of the Calculator itself. The Programmer view gives you data type and number format conversion options and the Statistics view gives you, of course, common statistics functions. The new Unit Conversion function converts just about anything you can think of, from angles and areas to temperatures and weights. Date Calculation makes it easy to do exactly what the name implies and Worksheets give you a way to calculate a mortgage, vehicle lease, and fuel economy in both miles and kilometers.

6. Windows Key

The Windows Key has been sitting on our keyboards since Windows 95 and now it's actually functional. Use the Windows Key plus the Up Arrow to maximize a window, the Down Arrow to minimize, and Left and Right Arrows to snap a window to the left or right. The Windows Key plus the G key will bring your Gadgets to the front, and using it in combination with Tab will let you cycle through opened windows in 3D. That's not all, pressing the Windows Key in combination with any number on the keyboard will launch an the application in that slot on the taskbar. For instance, if Internet Explorer is the first icon next to your start button, pressing Windows Key + 1 will launch Internet Explorer. It's now easier than ever to accomplish common tasks without taking your hands off the keyboard.

7. Taskbar Jump Menu Properties

Last time we covered the new taskbar, but what if you'd like to customize it beyond just pinning application shortcuts to it and sliding them around? What if the shortcut needs special instructions or needs to be Run As Administrator? Now, when you right-click a taskbar item, you're presented with the Jump List, which is handy, but not what we're looking for. If you navigate up the Jump List to the Application Name and right-click that as well, you're presented with another context menu that gives you the Properties, Run as Administrator, Pin to Taskbar, and Open options. This gives you fairly quick access to everything you need from the taskbar.

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Cara mencuri password Facebook | Hacking Password

Suka main facebook hati-hati kalau account facebook anda di hack orang lain. seperti saat saya menulis posting ini, saya sedang membuka account facebook teman saya yang saat ini ia tidak tahu. hikhik. tapi sebentar saja akan saya kembalikan.

Facebook telah berhasil menggeser posisi Friendster.
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bobol dan dapat mengetahui password
si empunya account facebook. Ok disini akan sedikit tentang cara nge-hack facebook hacking password dengan menggunakan Fake Login.

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Setelah selesai anda download, upload file tersebut di hostingan dan lakukan seperti yang ditunjukkan di file “baca_dulu”.Lalu, sebarkan alamat web facebook palsu anda tersebut ke orang yang ingin anda hack. Password akan otomatis tersimpan di file logs.txt bila ada orang yang login lewat web itu. Ok segitu aja


efek masturbasi dan dampak onani

pria yang suka onani atau masturbasi maka artikel seputar onani ini
bisa dijadikan informasi bagus, karena banyak onani mania atau ahli
masturbasi namun tidak tahu efeknya, sampai-sampai mereka khawatir
kalau sering masturbasi bisa menyebabkan sperma (mani) menjadi encer,
betulkah itu? Silahkan baca artikel ini:

Kasus 1:

Saya seorang pemuda berusia 19 tahun, belum menikah,
sudah bekerja sejak umur 14 tahun. Saya sering melakukan masturbasi,
sampai sekarang. Bahkan terlalu sering, sampai-sampai hampir 1 hari 2
kali saya melakukannya. Kebiasaan itu tak bisa saya hilangkan. Setiap
kali kelamin ereksi, saya melakukan masturbasi, seringnya kalau bangun
tidur. Dengan itu saya merasa puas. Yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah:
Apakah terlalu sering onani mengakibatkan mani encer? Apakah efek
samping onani memakai sabun? Apakah ada efeknya kalau sehabis
mengeluarkan sperma tidak dicuci? Apakah onani bisa mengganggu
pekerjaan karena saya termasuk pekerja berat?
Terus terang, saya merasa
takut, apalagi kalau mengakibatkan lemah syahwat.

Kasus II:

Nama saya Rizal, saya laki-laki berusia 23 tahun, berat
badan 57 kg, tinggi 165 cm. Mahasiswa pasca sarjana di salah satu
perguruan tinggi di Bandung, belum menikah. Saya punya masalah tentang
kehidupan seks, sejak berumur 20 tahun saya sering melakun onani
sendiri karena tidak sanggup menahan nafsu syahwat saya. saya biasanya
melakukannya seminggu sekali bahkan seminggu sampai 3 kali. Namun
sekarang gairah saya semakin meninggi. Perlu dokter ketahui sekarang
hampir setiap hari saya melakukan onani, bahkan sehari itu bisa sampai
2 kali, kadang berhenti sehari kalau saya sedang kelelahan namun hasrat
untuk melakukannya tetap ada, saya sudah berusaha menahannya dengan
berbagai cara termasuk olahraga, namun setelah olahraga saya kembali
bergairah. Yang ingin saya tanyakan kepada dokter yaitu: Apakah dengan
seringnya melakukan onani akan berakibat buruk bagi kesehatan tubuh
saya? Apakah sering melakukan onani akan mengakibatkan kemandulan?
Bagaimana cara mengatasinya? Atas bantuan serta saran dari dokter saya
ucapkan terima kasih.

Banyak Mitos

Agaknya masih banyak orang belum cukup mengerti tentang
masturbasi. Padahal, banyak orang melakukannya. Yang pasti pula, banyak
informasi salah yang beredar di masyarakat mengenai masturbasi, antara
lain seperti yang Anda tanyakan.

Berdasarkan data penelitian yang ada, hampir semua pria dan sekitar
70-80 persen wanita pernah melakukan masturbasi. Memang banyak
informasi yang salah tentang masturbasi, misalnya dapat menimbulkan
berbagai akibat buruk. Agaknya informasi salah ini merupakan sebagian
mitos tentang seks yang terus beredar di masyarakat sampai saat ini.

Pada abad XVIII terbit sebuah buku yang ditulis oleh Tissot dari
Prancis, berjudul Onana. Di situ diuraikan beberapa macam penyakit yang
timbul sebagai akibat masturbasi. Ternyata dengan perkembangan ilmu
pengetahuan, terbukti bahwa pendapat Tissot salah sama sekali.

Tidak benar masturbasi dapat menimbulkan akibat buruk bagi
kesehatan, termasuk sperma. Jadi, tidak ada gangguan kuantitas dan
kualitas sperma yang disebabkan melakukan masturbasi. Memang,
masturbasi yang dilakukan secara tergesa-gesa agar cepat mencapai
ejakulasi dikhawatirkan dapat melatarbelakangi terjadinya ejakulasi
dini pada pria. Sementara itu, kalau Anda terlalu sering melakukannya,
tentu saja Anda akan merasa payah karena masturbasi. Sama seperti
hubungan seksual, onani juga memerlukan energi.


Penggunaan sabun tidak menimbulkan akibat apa-apa asal
tidak mengandung zat yang bersifat menimbulkan rangsangan pada lapisan
dalam kulit.

Beberapa zat bersifat terlalu kuat untuk lapisan dalam kulit, sehingga menimbulkan semacam luka lecet.

Bila melihat aktivitas masturbasi yang Anda lakukan ternyata sangat
sering, saya berpikir Anda mungkin kurang melakukan aktivitas yang
seimbang antara aktivitas fisik dan mental. Sebab, kalau Anda cukup
melakukan aktivitas fisik dan mental, saya yakin dorongan seksual Anda
akan tertekan. Dengan demikian, Anda tidak akan selalu terangsang,
sehingga dapat menahan diri untuk tidak selalu melakukan masturbasi.

Mungkin saja pekerjaan Anda sekarang cukup berat secara fisik. Meski
begitu, kalau tidak diimbangi dengan kegiatan yang bersifat mental,
tetap saja Anda akan sering merasakan dorongan seksual Anda yang kuat.
Jadi, harus ada keseimbangan antara aktivitas fisik dan mental.

Selain itu, kalau sering menerima rangsangan seksual dari luar,
misalnya melalui gambar atau video porno, dorongan seksual Anda akan
semakin kuat.

Sumber: http://www.kompas.com/kesehatan/news/0409/29/114011.htm

Pengumuman & Update: Saya bukan dokter kelamin
atau ahli dalam masalah ini, artikel ini hasil copy-paste dari
Kompas.com, jadi jika ada pertanyaan seputar kasus Masturbasi dan Onani
silahkan langsung ke ahlinya.
